Perşembe, Mart 6, 2025

ABD Büyükelçiliği Hibe Programı Proje Teklif Çağrısı Yayınlandı

ABD, Türkiye misyonu, ülke geneli hibe programını duyurdu. Program aşağıda yer alan temalarda sunulacak projelere fon imkanı sunabilecek:

  • Ortak Güvenliğin Desteklenmesi
  • Ekonomik Refahın Güçlendirilmesi; İnovasyonun & Girişimciliğin Teşviki ve Dijital Ekonominin Güçlendirilmesi
  • Demokratik Değerlerin Pekiştirilmesi
  • Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Güçlendirilmesi

Program 23 Kasım 2020 tarihi itibarıyla açılmış olup, başvurular 29 Ocak 2021, Türkiye saati ile 17:00’a kadar gerçekleştirilmelidir.

Program hakkında resmi duyuru aşağıda yer almaktadır:

Key Strategic Policy Themes for Mission Turkey’s Grants Program

U.S. Mission Turkey announces its country-wide grants program. Funding is available to support projects that address one or more of the following key bilateral themes:

Support Shared Security
Projects for consideration in this category should support and advance cooperation between the United States and Turkey in efforts to counter terrorism, address transnational crime, promote the role of women in peace and security, and increase cooperation in the eastern Mediterranean.

Strengthen Economic Prosperity, Promote Innovation, Foster Entrepreneurship, and Improve the Digital Economy
Proposals in this category may include, but are not limited to, entrepreneurship training; small-and-medium enterprise (SME) planning; teaching marketing and outreach techniques; fostering research and development/innovation; and advancing awareness of and adherence to labor rights and laws. Proposals are welcome that strengthen the open and dynamic digital economy and that highlight sectors with growth potential such as local tourism/hospitality, value-added agrobusiness, innovative agricultural technology/practices, and inclusive financial services. These projects could include the utilization of cloud-based technology to meet local needs, training on the importance of the free flow of data, and improving the data literacy of citizens to take advantage of publicly-available information. Proposals are welcome to increase cooperation between U.S. and Turkish scientists and industry, particularly in the fields of agricultural technology innovation, green technology applications, mitigating pollution and climate impacts on the blue economy, and efforts to address Covid-19. Proposals that partner with U.S. private sector firms to strengthen business-to-business relationships and those that harness the Turkish-American diaspora’s knowledge, experience, and investment resources to spur growth in economically disadvantaged regions across Turkey are welcome.

Reinforce Democratic Values
Proposals in this area should reinforce respect for international human rights norms within Turkey, counter gender-based violence, support LGBTI rights, promote the rule of law and freedom of expression, and/or strengthen the capacity of Turkish media and civil society in order to advocate for human rights and freedoms. Programs here may also aim to assist Turkish media consumers in identifying and responding to misinformation and disinformation.

Foster Turkish and U.S. Ties
Proposals for this category should include programs to develop English language teaching/learning that also promote diversity, inclusion, and/or the representation of specific marginalized communities. Proposals are also welcome that promote STEAM education, develop networks between U.S. and Turkish STEAM educators and organizations, and encourage study in the United States. Activities would seek to build personal, educational, and commercial ties between the Turkish and American people and promote a positive understanding of the value of the relationship between the two countries. Proposals aiming to protect and/or restore important cultural and historical sites are also welcome.

Call for Proposals is now OPEN as of November 23, 2020

Call for Proposals will CLOSE on January 29, 2021, 17:00 Turkey Time

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