Pazar, Şubat 16, 2025
Ana SayfaTedarikçi FirmalarALKAN GROUP - Specialty Vehicles

ALKAN GROUP – Specialty Vehicles

Alkan Group has executed mobile projects in over 10 countries throughout the world with focusing on helping governments deal with the following challenges: Natural disasters, Earthquakes, Population displacement, Migration camp, Blood donating, Healthcare education, Demonstrations, Road show.

We provide the future of mobility

▰ Our company, which has succeeded in making the first Turkish trailer in all directions (right, left and rear tipper) in the years it was founded, has continued this innovative approach to this day.
▰ ALKAN is the tradition of transferring smooth, unlimited and continuous customer service satisfaction to new generations with the power and energy it takes from you to be the leader and determiner of its sector in order to always create services and innovations for the future.
▰ ALKAN Team is including many talented experts who have worked at the highest strategic and operational levels in the engineering, designing and medical sectors.

Mobile Hospital Field Trailer

We produced and installed a Mobile Field Hospital Project in Peru. The hospital is still in active use. People are evaluated at this hospital in terms of COVID19 when entering the country. The field hospital we produced for Peru is in active use in the first step of the COVID19 fight.

We, as Alkan Group, have justified pride of producing mobile medical vehicles for the Mobile Field Hospital Project(*) to thousands kilometers away, Peru. 40 exported vehicles (20pcs trailer / 20pcs container), are located & mounted on required spots, and have already commenced medical service. (*) a Project which was undertaken by MCC Group London (upon request of General Directorate of Disaster Risk Management and National Defense in Health – subordinated to Ministry of Health in Peru) and produced by Alkan Group.

We believe, and our customers have agreed, that a mobile hospital should be totally independent and that the vital units should be able to operate as a stand-alone unit at the scene of a disaster or emergency before the other support units arrive. The custom made expandable modular units should be deployable and ready for use within 2 minutes for opening and another 10 minutes for starting full operation.

Mobile Health Screening Vehicle Trailer

Mobile mammography vehicles have designed to increase awareness on women’s healtcare and early detection. Mobile clinics, engineered and produced by Alkan Group, aim to reach out to the most rural and underserved areas as well as inner city healthcare programs across Turkey. Purpose-built mobile clinics, contain requested medical devices like mammography screening units and smear tests, highligth importance of early diagnosis.

Mobile Kitchen Trailer Vehicle

Mobile Kitchen Vehicle facilitates your temporary or permanent food service project requirements with custommade design. Mobile kitchen that makes enable to serve from 5000 to 20000 persons are particularly suited to sites that have no kitchen facilities.,

Mobile Blood Donation Vehicle Trailer

Alkan Group presents its cutting edge technology blood donation vehicles, produced for Turkish Red Crescent, in order to increase the awareness on donation. The modern and fast blood donation vehicles, with doctor rooms in, are able to take blood of four donors at the same time, and purpose-built for the toughest conditions .

Mobile Education Vehicle Trailer

In order to relieve the Syrian refugee burden in Turkey by cooperating governmental organizations, Alkan Group builds mobile nursing units to educate refugee children between 0-8 years old. Mobile nursing units, located on refugee camps and Turkish-Syrian border, allow refugee children to learn while enjoying

Mobile Coordination Center Vehicle Trailer

Mobile coordination vehicles, which are ready on field for coordination in cases of emergency situations (briefing and crisis management on disasters like earthquake or flood), has been produced by Alkan Group upon the demand of United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Presidency (AFAD).

(*) Winning one of the biggest vehicle auction, announced by the United Nations in Turkey, Alkan Group built 35 mobile coordination centers to extend a hand to needy ones across the country. Additionally, Turkey’s first earthquake simulator built by Alkan Group in 2008.

To see more of our work please visit: